Adélaïde Salles-Wagner

Portrait with cushion


TOMASELLI Collection

Paintings and art objects

The collection covers a long period, from the 16th century to the present day. All types of paintings are represented, from still life to landscapes, especially views of Lyon. Cette première exposition est une introduction pour redécouvrir la peinture lyonnaise qui depuis le XVIe siècle à nos jours a produit tellement d’artistes et d’œuvres passionnantes.

To discover the Collection is to embark on a journey through time, where one can observe, for example, the close relations between Lyon’s painters and Rome from the 17th to the 19th century, or how original currents of painting have developed over time. It is also to understand why talented artists have chosen to stay in Lyon, at the expense of a national career and on the contrary, how regional artists have made an international career while remaining attached to their roots in Lyon.

22,  Rue Laure Diebold
69009 LYON

Selection of works